Interview to the President of P.D.O. Camerano Cheese in RNE - DOP Queso Camerano
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19 August 2013
Interview to the President of P.D.O. Camerano Cheese in RNE

The last 16th of August, the President of the Regulator Council of P.O.D. Camerano Cheese ,  Javier Martínez, did an interview in Radio Nacional de España (RNE) into the program  “Rincón del Gourmet” (Chronicle of La Rioja) where he was explaining  the history of Camerano Cheese.


Javier Martínez said in this interview how the Camerano Cheese was done many years ago, and how it is made nowadays in Lácteos Martínez S.L. (Haro) and in Quesos Celia S.L. (Arnedo). Furthermore he told to the listeners the most important features that the Camerano Cheese has.


You can listen the interview in this link: